Filter Reference ================ This is a reference document with a list of the filters and their arguments. Filters ------- ``CharFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This filter does simple charecter matches, used with ``CharField`` and ``TextField`` by default. ``BooleanFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This filter matches a boolean, either ``True`` or ``False``, used with ``BooleanField`` and ``NullBooleanField`` by default. ``ChoiceFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This filter matches an item of any type by choices, used with any field that has ``choices``. ``MultipleChoiceFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The same as ``ChoiceFilter`` except the user can select multiple items and it selects the OR of all the choices. ``DateFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matches on a date. Used with ``DateField`` by default. ``DateTimeFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matches on a date and time. Used with ``DateTimeField`` by default. ``TimeFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matches on a time. Used with ``TimeField`` by default. ``ModelChoiceFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Similar to a ``ChoiceFilter`` except it works with related models, used for ``ForeignKey`` by default. ``ModelMultipleChoiceFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Similar to a ``MultipleChoiceFilter`` except it works with related models, uesd for ``ManyToManyField`` by default. ``NumberFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Filters based on a numerical value, used with ``IntegerField``, ``FloatField``, and ``DecimalField`` by default. ``RangeFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Filters where a value is between two numerical values. ``DateRangeFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Filter similar to the admin changelist date one, it has a number of common selections for working with date fields. ``AllValuesFilter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a ``ChoiceFilter`` who's choices are the current values in the database. So if in the DB for the given field you have values of 5, 7, and 9 each of those is present as an option. This is similar to the default behavior of the admin. Core Arguments -------------- ``name`` ~~~~~~~~ The name of the field this filter is supposed to filter on, if this is not provided it automatically becomes the filter's name on the ``FilterTool``. ``label`` ~~~~~~~~~ The label as it will apear in the HTML, analogous to a form field's label argument. ``widget`` ~~~~~~~~~~ The django.form Widget class which will represent the ``Filter``. In addition to the widgets that are included with Django that you can use there are additional ones that django-filte provides which may be useful: * ``refinery.widgets.LinkWidget`` -- this displays the options in a mannner similar to the way the Django Admin does, as a series of links. The link for the selected option will have ``class="selected"``. ``action`` ~~~~~~~~~~ An optional callable that tells the filter how to handle the supplied value. It recieves the value to filter on and should return a ``Q`` object that is filtered appropriately. ``lookup_type`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The type of lookup that should be preformed using the Django ORM. All the normal options are allowed, and should be provided as a string. You can also provide either ``None`` or a ``list`` or ``tuple``, if ``None`` is provided then user can select the lookup_type from all the ones available in the Django ORM, and if a ``list`` or ``tuple`` is provided the user can select from those options. The ``list`` or ``tuple`` can be formatted with labels to present to the user when selecting, the same way as Django's `Field.choices`_ are formatted, i.e.:: lookup_type=[('lt', 'Less than'), ('gt', 'Greater than')] .. _Field.choices: ``**kwargs`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any extra keyword arguments will be provided to the accompanying form Field. This can be used to provide arguments like ``choices`` or ``queryset``.